about us


To ignite Authenticity, Communication, and Transparency in every brand interaction.


Our commitment to innovation, customer focus, and excellence propels us towards unparalleled success in every interaction.


How Authenticity drives Extreme Profitability - be it as a business or as a person.

Meet our expert team

James Fread

Web Developer

James Fread

Web Developer

James Fread

Web Developer

James Fread

Web Developer

James Fread

Web Developer

James Fread

Web Developer

James Fread

Web Developer

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We position our clients at the forefront of their respective industry

We understand that being true to oneself isn’t just a virtue but a measure of intelligence, guiding us to craft tailored solutions that resonate deeply with each individual. Embracing your unique identity isn’t just savvy—it’s a testament to the power of genuine expression.





We position our clients at the forefront of their respective industry

We understand that being true to oneself isn’t just a virtue but a measure of intelligence, guiding us to craft tailored solutions that resonate deeply with each individual. Embracing your unique identity isn’t just savvy—it’s a testament to the power of genuine expression.

Our Founders

Devika Majumder
Chief Brand Architect

Devika Majumder is a Wall Street Journal featured serial entrepreneur. She has been nominated by Business Today as one of the most powerful women in business.

Devika has led several high profile technology projects at Fortune 50 companies in USA. Her business venture, mobileSPA – first mobile day spa concept in the US – became the gold standard in corporate wellness and event management which got featured in US elite media including Boston Globe, Vogue, Lucky, Cosmopolitan, SONY, Marie Claire, to name a few.

On a mission to connect education and entrepreneurial ecosystem in India, Devika co-founded Youngpreneurs, India’s first teen entrepreneurship academy to promote entrepreneurial education to high schoolers in India.

A TEDx speaker, she is known as an International branding strategist and currently enjoys advisory relationships with multiple organizations worldwide.

Alpana Barua

Alpana Barua is a seasoned Information Technology professional and an entrepreneur.

She earned her Master’s in Information Management Systems from Harvard University. Her most recent endeavour is SecondWrite Inc, a US based startup that sells cybersecurity products to enterprises worldwide.

From the Founders Desk

So why did I start a full-service branding agency? To answer that, I need to take you on a bit of a journey. Grab a cup of coffee (or tea, if that’s your thing) and let’s rewind a few years.

At 17, I packed my bags and moved from my home country to the United States to pursue higher education. I earned my Bachelor’s degrees in Computer Science and Mathematics and soon after, I launched a consulting firm. We worked with some heavy hitters like JP Morgan Chase, State Street, Gateway Computers, ADP, John Hancock, and more.

While consulting, I noticed a gap in the market. This led to the birth of a unique concept: the Mobile Spa. Imagine this—a day spa that brings the ambiance and services right to your doorstep. With mobileSPA, I dove headfirst into the small business ecosystem in the US. The concept took off like wildfire and soon, we were featured in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Boston Globe, Marie Claire, and other top-tier media outlets. We scored clients like Microsoft, AOL, McKinsey, PricewaterhouseCoopers, SONY, and over 100 other corporate giants. We even hit the big leagues with events like the Oscars with Coca-Cola and ELLE Magazine.

So, why did a company like Victoria’s Secret hire mobileSPA for its nationwide launch across 100 stores? The answer is simple: Branding. From the very beginning, we were laser-focused on this eight-letter word. Why did Seventeen Magazine or Vogue choose mobileSPA as their event partner? Again, it’s all about branding.

Before long, small business owners started reaching out to me for mentorship. Helping businesses with vision became my passion. I dove into brand consulting, especially with startups. It pained me to see so many small businesses fold just because they didn’t grasp the
importance of solid branding.

But here’s the kicker—when my clients handed over my strategies to their agencies, the results were often zilch. Nada. Nothing. I had to sit them down and show them the fake followers, bought likes, and generic comments their agencies were using. Seriously? Where’s the authenticity? Where’s the intent? Why are we, as businesses, setting others up to fail?

…..And that is how the journey of You Brand began, with authenticity at its core. We believe in keeping it real, genuine, and impactful.

Now, let me introduce you to our genius team that makes the magic happen – the ones that can turn a branding brief into a masterpiece faster than you can say “brand identity.”

Meet my co-founder, Alpana Barua—a Harvard grad and cybersecurity guru. And, to top it off, she moonlights as the Chief Marketing Officer of a Washington DC-based company. .With her eyes on our deliverables, nothing slips through the cracks. Alpana’s attention to detail is legendary; she can spot a misaligned pixel or a misplaced comma quicker than you can spell “Mississippi.”

Our creative directors? Momo and Chitresh – They’re the ones who add the WOW factor to each of our projects, We call them ‘Our secret sauce’:)

And then there’s our tech guru Sam—he makes sure our digital strategies are always cutting-edge and never cookie-cutter.

Together, we’re a quirky, passionate, and slightly caffeine-addicted team dedicated to taking your brand to the next level.

Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn—I’d love to say hello and hear your story! Here’s my link: https://www.linkedin.com/in/devika-majumder/

Keep branding with purpose!
Wishing you continued success!

– Devika Majumder

Seek creativity in action